Happy New Year! I can't believe it is 2017 already, the past 6 months have been really busy but last night as 2016 drew to a close and champagne bottles were opened, I began thinking of new year resolutions. As I'm sure many people will have decided theirs, I thought I would at least try and stick to mine this year as I am normally quite good at sticking to resolutions for a while then give in!
My first resolution is to continue working hard but giving myself more time to do things I love; socialising with friends and family, baking, cooking, tennis and generally enjoying myself, allowing myself time to do these things.
My second resolution is to complete my degree to a high standard and believe in myself which should make writing assignments easier! Must stop procrastinating!
Thirdly, I would like to pick up a new hobby, especially after I graduate. I would like to learn a new language so I become fluent in it, learn the piano properly or take up singing lessons so I have something fun to work on in the evenings.
I would like to get a job once I graduate and I want it to be something I really am passionate about like my previous job. Recently, I went for an interview and I loved the idea of this job so fingers crossed!
Finally, I want to go travelling and make plans - Rome, Egypt, Greece, Australia and Iceland are just some of the places I want to explore :)
Happy 2017 everyone!