Thursday, 7 July 2016

Preventing Food Waste

Food waste is an important issue that many food manufacturers and the government are trying to reduce or prevent by setting up and supporting initiatives designed specifically for this purpose. For example, WRAP (Waste Resources Action Programme) are working with Love Food Hate Waste to help consumers reduce food wastage in the home which will help save money and benefit the environment too. Since 2007, food wastage has been reduced by 21%, saving consumers £3.3 billion a year. (Love Food Hate Waste, 2014)

It is important to reduce food wastage because it is unethical due to the amount of people who don’t have enough food to eat in other countries as well as the UK. It is also wasting resources such as water and creates greenhouse gas emissions.

With it now being summer and BBQs coming up soon, food waste is on my mind along with other things such as general excitement spending time with family and friends and hoping for lots of sun! This is why I have compiled a list on how to prevent food wastage below.

Tips on how to prevent food waste:
1)   Write a shopping list of foods you need so you don’t buy extra which could go to waste
2)   Plan portion sizes – don’t cook too much pasta for example then throw it away
3)   Use leftovers; plan a meal using them instead of throwing it away          
4)   Don’t rely on best before dates; best before means it is safe to eat after this date it may just not taste as fresh for example.
5)   Use up food items in your cupboard and freezer and keep the ingredients organised so older food doesn't get pushed to the back of the cupboard e.g. make a lasagne with tinned and fresh tomatoes
6)   Plan meals for the week so you know what you are cooking in advance and you can freeze leftovers
7)   Store leftovers in foil/ cling film to keep them as fresh as possible and put in the fridge/ freezer once finished
8)   Cook with other people such as family or flatmates to prevent wastage
9)   Buy foods with a long shelf life where possible e.g. don’t buy meat that is due to go off the next day if you know you won’t eat it that night.

10)   Don’t buy items on offer e.g. 2 for the price of 1 if you know you won’t be able to eat it all. Often, these deals aren’t always beneficial anyway, not always being the cheapest way to purchase food

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